5 Reasons a Water Softener Might Make You Love 洗衣


Water Softener Might Make You Love 洗衣

洗衣. You either love it or hate it. 虽然很多人无法理解为什么他们喜欢做家务,但这可能是因为他们喝的是硬水.

喜欢做家务的人通常会享受全部的感官体验:闻气味, 感受质地, seeing the clean fabrics, and then folding it all into tidy stacks. 当你用硬水洗衣服时,很多洗衣服的乐趣就失去了,因为它偷走了人们喜欢洗衣服的元素.

There is nothing better than clean clothes in your drawer, fresh sheets on your bed, or fluffy 毛巾 waiting for you after your shower. Clean laundry is a small luxury that we often take for granted. 但是,如果你用硬水洗衣服,人们就不会享受这种体验了.

The problem with hard water is complex. Water is classified as “hard” when it contains a high level of minerals, typically magnesium and calcium. 这些矿物质对织物很顽固,它们也会降低洗涤剂的效果. The result is dull and faded clothes and linens. 衣物不会像在软水里洗衣服那样柔软、新鲜或干净.

买一个 软水器 for your home changes everything. 去除水中的硬矿物质完全改变了洗衣体验. 当地的 软水器 companies 解决你的水问题,并可以重新介绍你喜欢洗衣服的原因.

1. 亮的衣服

Clothes are not made to withstand hard water. Every time your favorite shirt takes a trip through your washing machine, the fabric breaks down a little, 让它看起来更老, 快. Your colors will fade, and your whites won’t stay bright for long.

在家里使用软水器的一个好处是,你的衣服看起来会更漂亮, and you don’t have to worry about fading.

2. 减少皮肤刺激

有些人发现硬水中的矿物质会刺激皮肤. 他们有时发现,即使用硬水洗衣服, it still affects their skin. 问题是硬水很难分解洗衣粉,还会留下肥皂渣. This residue remains on your clothes and lives against your skin all day. 对于有皮肤问题的人和有婴儿的家庭来说,这是一个大问题.

Soft water uses detergent effectively, cleans clothes thoroughly, and won’t leave any soap residue behind. 除了, a 软水器 eliminates the minerals in hard water, so they won’t cling to the fabric and cause further irritation. 你的衣服会更干净,也不会有刺激皮肤的危险.

3. 干净的衣服

生活在硬水里的人知道不断洗东西的痛苦,这些东西似乎永远不会变干净. 硬水最令人沮丧的事情之一是它与肥皂的相互作用. The minerals in hard water lessen the effectiveness of soap, so you have to use more of it to achieve the same results. 你还必须依靠更热的水来分解它,使其足以从衣服中冲洗出来.

Washing your laundry with 软水 means your detergent works better, and your laundry will feel cleaner. 你甚至可以使用一个不太热的环境,而不用担心洗涤剂会残留在衣服的纤维中. 最终的结果是,当你在软化的水中洗涤时,你的衣服和亚麻布看起来和感觉都比以前干净.

4. 柔软蓬松的织物

当你用软水洗衣服时,你真的能感觉到不同. The fabric will feel softer to the touch and fluffier against your skin. There is nothing better than a fluffy, warm towel straight out of the dryer, 或者爬进脆脆的, clean sheets at night; 软水 makes that possible.

When you install a 软水器 in your home, 你的床上用品, 毛巾, and clothes will all feel more luxurious. 你的织物将充分发挥其潜力,而不会被残留的矿物质和肥皂残留物所拖累.

5. 增强耐用性

花一点钱在洗衣服上是很容易的, 尤其是当你在家里买了高质量的衣服和亚麻布的时候. It can be hard to justify buying nice things when they wear out quickly, which is exactly what hard water makes them do. 硬水会让你的衣服看起来很旧,即使它们应该还有很多生命力.

你用来洗衣服的水可以改变世界. 所有你洗过的衣服,如果用软水洗,寿命会更长.

洗衣 doesn’t have to be a drag. 当你有合适的工具时,你有很多理由可以享受处理你的衣服堆. The most important tool is good quality water. There are endless benefits to using nice, 软水, and they extend beyond your laundry room and into your entire home.


5 Reasons a Water Softener Might Make You Love 洗衣


Purchasing a 软水器 for your home can make a big difference. 它可以去除水中的硬矿物质,改变你洗衣服的方式. 看看下面的信息图,看看使用软水器洗衣服的五个好处.

5 Water Softener 洗衣 Benefits Infographic